Merchant services video transcript

With Barclays iPortal it’s easy to manage your merchant services accounts - It just takes a few clicks

You can find them in the same place as your bank accounts [under ‘Merchant Services’ link in the main menu]

Manage your chargebacks and merchant services accounts in the same place. No need for multiple logins

To see all open chargebacks, statements and transactions for each business group [select ‘quick link’ buttons]

Never miss a deadline with your chargebacks shown in priority order

To find a specific chargeback use the search function

You can explore each chargeback in more detail [by expanding the hidden information using the link]

Need to review the issuer docs? [select ‘view issuer documents’ link]

Disagree with a chargeback?

You can submit evidence to contest it [Select ‘Submit evidence’ button]

Need to view an old chargeback?

They are available to view for 12 months

Finished with chargebacks? Go back to the dashboard to view your statements [Select ‘statements’ quick link]

Go green with paperless statements [Select ‘statement preferences’ quick link]

Search for your transactions [Select ‘Transactions’ quick link]

Need your team to access the system?

You can add new users if you’re an administrator

Merchant Services made simple

Accessible, accurate data all in one place

With Barclays iPortal everything just clicks

For further information visit Help & Forms on the Barclays iPortal homepage.